Daddy… i can never ever

Daddy… i can never ever forget how you resurrected my dashed hope when my name didn’t appear on the 2001/2002 Yabatech Accounting 1st and 2nd lists. Amidst tight security at the Administration block, I summoned up courage, and with the help of your family friend’s daughter, Omolara Akinleye, I was opportuned to meet you one-on-one. Even though it was brief, it was indeed a privilege meeting the Rector for the first time… and the last time. I remember vividly how you told us the admission was late but said “drop your name with my secretary” and you left. I lost all hope and cried home that day. And then, exactly 3 weeks later, my name came out on the well-respected “RECTOR’S LIST”… What a great honor!!! Daddy, I tried severally to see you again in order to show my appreciation but i never got the opportunity again. You were indeed a father!!! May God Almighty comfort every one you left behind, may He forgive your shortcomings and MAY YOUR GENTLE SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE… AMEN & AMEN