Tribute for my Namesake

I really can’t express in words how shocked and saddened I was when I heard the news . The only thing that gave me comfort was that you had passed on to more glorious things than we could ever see or imagine on this earth. Whilst I got to know you later in life it was as if I had known you all my life. I recall the first time we spoke (your baritone and soothing voice just tripped me!) and when we finally actually met each other we clicked instantly. Since then you have been not only my uncle but also my brother and certainly my friend. We have shared so many literally hours on the phone. We spoke about so many intimate things as well which you shared. You are kind generous respectful and caring yet you didn’t seem to realise this. You always seemed to see others as better role models than yourself but that was not the case. You gave the upmost respect for my parents and insisted on sharing them. You said you wanted to shower them with the love and respect you were unable to fully give to your parents.. You certainly went out of your way to do that. There is so much I could say about you but you know my mind already because you’re already seated in the place of all knowledge.

My only regret was not coming to see you in Kenya and missing the safari you promised to take me on. And the trip I was supposed to make when your next posting was confirmed. Sadly this didn’t happen but I know your current posting is far more spectacular… enjoy!

Finally I remember my last deep conversation with you and it haunts me now as you called me out of the blue and asked me to take special care of your son Laolu and the reasons you had for this. Don’t worry our very loved son will be even more special to me as I do my best to keep my promise to you. It’s only God’s grace that will help me to do this and it’s only God that will not let him down. Rest in peace my darling Namesake and I truly am sad that I will never hear you call me that name again.